Study Like a Champion – Part 3


Pro tips to train for success at school like you train for sport Part 3 of 4 4. Train Regularly Like a gym/training regime for your body, your mind will improve best if you commit to an effective study plan. Put it on paper, keep it on the wall, and stick to it closely. Once

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Girl believes tutoring can't help her catch up to her peers because she believes she is dumb

What is the point of assessment?


By Dan Blore, Educator Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the point of assessment?” Great teachers ask themselves that constantly. Jump to 5-minute video explanation of Formative and Summative assessments Jump to 2-minute video: Judging Good Assessment As an adult, when is the last time you took an exam? We expect school to prepare

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Psychology of Happiness for Families and Children


[VIDEO] 20 short minutes packed with simple advice for parents to reduce stress and increase happiness for themselves and their family. Even picking just a few of these and making the small, mindful effort to implement them can make a great difference to your child’s happiness now and their prospects for the future. Psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg specialises in parenting

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