Feeling ‘in control’ of the school journey


Students shouldn’t feel swept along or left behind by school! It is their journey – they should know where they’re going, and be relaxed and confident behind the steering wheel. When driving a car, we have learned not to focus on the road immediately in front of the vehicle. Otherwise we have no time to

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Students’ potential shouldn’t be limited by their year level


Most students who present to Extended Learning Centres are ready for concepts above their year level. In many cases, WAY beyond their year level. Maths expectations at school are too low, largely because Queensland’s year levels have been “elongated” rather than updated. At ELC, because we teach individuals, not classes, not year levels, we can: target students’ needs,

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Girl doing senior maths

QCE Maths Subjects Explained


Senior Maths Subjects Explanation  – as briefly as possible 2020 Update: With the transition from OP to ATAR, the names and structure of Queensland senior maths subjects changed. The below information is still generally applicable if you change the subject names: Maths A – General Mathematics Maths B – Mathematical Methods Maths C – Specialist

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Puberty – empathise with your teenager


It’s that age and stage at which we all lose control of things a bit. When your child starts making strange decisions and overreacting to tiny things, remember: don’t take it personally, and don’t you overreact in return. In the big picture, these speed-bumps will be forgotten soon enough. Puberty varies between boys and girls,

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Accelerated Learning Trends for Schools


EduTech education congress has reinforced that ELC is far ahead of education trends for engaging our students effectively and efficiently in relevant accelerated learning. Ideas of personalised and accelerated learning that have been at the core of ELC since its inception were presented in professional development seminars on Making Learning Relevant in the 21st Century

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