Teaching maths in advance

Teaching Students Maths in Advance


Teaching of maths concepts to students in schools is like being taught how to ride a horse over several years where the learner never gets to ride the horse until the last year. In the first year you can pat the horse, in the second year touch the bridle. Slow, disjointed, boring, laborious with poor

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Girl doing senior maths

QCE Maths Subjects Explained


Senior Maths Subjects Explanation  – as briefly as possible 2020 Update: With the transition from OP to ATAR, the names and structure of Queensland senior maths subjects changed. The below information is still generally applicable if you change the subject names: Maths A – General Mathematics Maths B – Mathematical Methods Maths C – Specialist

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Holiday Homework?


What maths should my child do during the summer holidays? Around this time of year, I’m asked this question. The answer changes by individual and by how they feel from day to day, but in most cases there’s no great need for structured maths learning to continue through holidays. “A holiday is as good as

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