Illustration of teenage brains

Preparing Students For Puberty


“I used to get this stuff…” At puberty, the teenage brain temporarily looses some of its capacity for academics.   We want our students to have learnt ahead in the core curriculum with us, BEFORE they hit puberty. That’s the plan – if we get them early enough. And we want you to know what

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Students’ potential shouldn’t be limited by their year level


Most students who present to Extended Learning Centres are ready for concepts above their year level. In many cases, WAY beyond their year level. Maths expectations at school are too low, largely because Queensland’s year levels have been “elongated” rather than updated. At ELC, because we teach individuals, not classes, not year levels, we can: target students’ needs,

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Teaching maths in advance

Teaching Students Maths in Advance


Teaching of maths concepts to students in schools is like being taught how to ride a horse over several years where the learner never gets to ride the horse until the last year. In the first year you can pat the horse, in the second year touch the bridle. Slow, disjointed, boring, laborious with poor

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Accelerated Learning Trends for Schools


EduTech education congress has reinforced that ELC is far ahead of education trends for engaging our students effectively and efficiently in relevant accelerated learning. Ideas of personalised and accelerated learning that have been at the core of ELC since its inception were presented in professional development seminars on Making Learning Relevant in the 21st Century

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