24 April 2018
Pro tips to train for success at school like you train for sport
Part 4 of 4
So, you might think, “Oh yeah, I’ve heard all that before” – but have you actually committed yourself to it like you commit to sport? You have already developed a lot of the skills you need to quite easily ‘up your school game’. So try applying your hard-earned attitude, motivation and self-discipline to your study. You’ll be surprised the difference it makes in reaching your future goals.
- Print our checklist to keep yourself on target.
- Which tips are you already doing?
- What are the top five tips that you could implement today?
Run quickly through this checklist once a week to keep yourself focused. (Print version)
Tick the things you are doing right. Highlight the most important things to improve next.
- Plan what new work and study you intend to do each week.
- List what previous content you need to revise each week.
- List all your homework tasks.
- Tick off each task as you complete it.
- Stick to your workplan.
- Work ahead of schedule.
- Make notes on what you just learned.
- Keep notes neat and concise.
- Revise your notes between classes.
- Revise with and help your friends.
- Encourage friends into good study habits.
- Surround yourself with motivated people.
- Spend less time with friends who don’t share your academic goals.
- Write down your long-term goals and the weekly steps that will get you there.
- Tell your parents and friends your plans.
- Check that you are meeting your weekly goals.
- Revise your goals and refocus on areas that need improvement.
- Ask for teacher/tutor feedback.
- Use study time for HW, making notes, and practicing essays/exams.
- Stick to your study timetable.
- Extend your existing study blocks, and add others.
- Eliminate all distractions.
- Put your phone in another room.
- Use a 10-minute refocus alarm.
- Take 5-minute active breaks every half hour.
- Work on several different things during a study session.
- Set little goals for yourself within each study period and tick them off.
- Keep your plan on the wall, and stick to it closely.
- Use study time to review your notes.
- Practice previously learned techniques.
- Study from multiple sources: textbook, internet, friends…
- Take steps to avoid “cramming”, late nights and stress before due dates.
- Write fake due dates in your diary a week before the real ones and hold yourself to them.
- Work ahead of your class in your textbooks.
- Set aside specific time to do things that are not study related.
- Learn to control your body’s automatic reactions to anxiety.
- Before tests, breathe deeply. Picture yourself performing calmly
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