21 January 2025
As the school terms plod on, time pressure creeps up on everyone. So, it is important to make progress early, while students are fresh from the break, before things start to pile up. This is an important strategy not only within terms, but also within each school year, and within a student’s entire school
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15 June 2024
What if we are ALL maths people, but some of us have been led to believe we’re not? And what if we’re passing on to our kids a detrimental preconception about maths? Is there even such a thing as a “maths person”??? When I hear this phrase used, it’s mostly by parents talking about themselves
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06 April 2020
During the Covid-19 social restrictions ELC has moved temporarily to remote learning to keep our students’ safe while keeping their hard-earned progress from being compromised. From Term 2 2020 we are once again running in-centre tuition with increased hygiene measures and limited students numbers. But if you’re looking for more to keep students occupied while
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02 December 2019
Guilty pleasure I guarantee you’ve more than once suppressed that slippery guilt that comes with putting off today what could be done tomorrow. And you have no idea how long this topic has been on my own to-do list! (This is a long one, but we cover a LOT of good stuff.) So it’s not
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13 May 2019
In March, Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students will sit the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test (in May prior to 2023). While the data might be put to good use, the overemphasis routinely placed on these tests defeats the point. It would be valuable to have an accurate measure of
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16 February 2019
Dan Blore is Manager and Educator at Extended Learning Centres, Mooloolaba In my previous post, I explain why many kids and teenagers have a negative conception of ‘tuition’, and why Extended Learning can have greater effects than what most people think of as just ‘tutoring’. By now, I hope you’re on board with what we
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14 February 2019
Daniel Blore is Manager and Educator at Extended Learning Centres, Mooloolaba So, your child isn’t keen on ‘tutoring’? I don’t blame them!!! Many kids have a negative preconception of tutoring based either on their own experience, “It’s a waste of my time,” or on the schoolyard stigma, “Tuition is for dumb kids.” On average, tuition
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02 October 2018
New open-ended maths focus in Queensland schools needs students and teachers to adapt and think differently Thanks to the spike in anxiety levels of Years 7 to 10 children, many parents are aware of the shifting school maths curriculum. It’s moving away from: Clear tasks with a well-defined procedure from start to end, with one
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16 June 2016
The best way of effecting long-term student success is to expose students to curriculum ahead of school. When working towards a student’s future, we always take into account the bigger picture and the long-term. This goes to the core of what we do. Over-emphasising test scores. Following the dominant school narrative, parents sometimes don’t realise that
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06 April 2016
We appreciate all the thanks we receive – from parents, yes, but even more so from students. We were particularly touched to find one day in the post box a sentimental anonymous postcard and poem from a former student (see below). It’s about our students’ future We love hearing about the future adventures of our students and
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