Long-Term Maths Learning Beats Short-Term Test Prep 


As the school terms plod on, time pressure creeps up on everyone. So, it is important to make progress early, while students are fresh from the break, before things start to pile up.   This is an important strategy not only within terms, but also within each school year, and within a student’s entire school

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Mother comforting sad daughter by telling her, "It's ok - we're just not maths people."

I’m just not a “maths person”


What if we are ALL maths people, but some of us have been led to believe we’re not? And what if we’re passing on to our kids a detrimental preconception about maths? Is there even such a thing as a “maths person”??? When I hear this phrase used, it’s mostly by parents talking about themselves

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Learning to learn – Why we won’t sit with one student for 75 minutes


We do not ‘spoon-feed’ our students. As they progress through year-levels, successful students are those who ‘help themselves’ rather than relying on an overworked and possibly disinterested classroom teacher to explain everything they need to know. When we focus on building independent learners rather than just imparting content, there are long-term benefits for students which

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AI responses to a Year 12 English assessment task


I started a chat with an Artificial Intelligence platform by copying and pasting the text from a Year 12 assessment task sheet. For more information on AIs in education, see this page. My input AI output Task Genre: short story Purpose: to create, represent and entertain Audience: readers of the school magazine In this unit,

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Illustration of teenage brains

Preparing Students For Puberty


“I used to get this stuff…” At puberty, the teenage brain temporarily looses some of its capacity for academics.   We want our students to have learnt ahead in the core curriculum with us, BEFORE they hit puberty. That’s the plan – if we get them early enough. And we want you to know what

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University course price changes from 2021


Radical change to university incentives has been needed for some time. And here it is! (Announced 19 June 2020) But what a year for school-leavers! The first to graduate with an ATAR in Queensland. Learning and assessments disrupted by Covid. And now, with QTAC preference selection well underway, a university course price shake-up due to start next year has thrown

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Find and fill gaps from remote schooling due to Covid-19. Tutoring at ELC Mooloolaba will help primary and secondary students finish the school year stronger.

Maths and English tutoring during Covid-19


Education, school and tutoring in the face of Covid-19 2022 Term 1 Update For a moment there, we thought school disruptions might be behind us. While we have so far ‘got of lightly’ compared to southern states, the last two years of uncertainty, precautions, changes, delays, illness and home learning have been taking their toll

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Logos of Typing Club, Khan Academy and Duolingo, Extended Learning Centres' recommended free online learning activities this holidays while kids are stuck inside isolation due to Coronavirus and Covid-19 to learn maths, languages or typing

Looking for free remote learning activities this holiday?


During the Covid-19 social restrictions ELC has moved temporarily to remote learning to keep our students’ safe while keeping their hard-earned progress from being compromised. From Term 2 2020 we are once again running in-centre tuition with increased hygiene measures and limited students numbers. But if you’re looking for more to keep students occupied while

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Maths Methods leads to more careers

Which maths? Methods, Specialist or General?


Which maths? Short answer: Methods We say students should have Mathematical Methods as their default expectation, and aspire to it from early on. (Formerly equivalent to Maths B.) In Year 10, students choose which maths subjects to study in Years 11 and 12 for their QCE. But the road to Maths Methods starts years before

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Guilty pleasure I guarantee you’ve more than once suppressed that slippery guilt that comes with putting off today what could be done tomorrow. And you have no idea how long this topic has been on my own to-do list! (This is a long one, but we cover a LOT of good stuff.) So it’s not

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