Education Queensland 2017 curriculum changes


Streamlined plans for schools to focus on what’s important, hopefully.

Queensland has released condensed unit plans for Maths and English, updating the current bloated, impossible, ineffective syllabus.

Thank goodness! Teachers have been reporting that there is not time to adequately cover the mass of content. The sheer number of topics means little time for revision or extensions between assessments. And we have witnessed the dysfunction, and the anxiety in students, parents and teachers.

The resources are to help teachers better teach the Australian National Curriculum, which should be fully adopted here by 2017.

It sounds as though they are taking a leaf out of our book! …simplifying the learning, focusing on the necessary, without all the faff! We are optimistic, but will reserve judgement until we see the effects.

Once again thankful for our privileged position “alongside” the school system, not struggling inside it.

The new resources are called Curriculum into the Classroom.

Government C2C fact sheet for parents

National Curriculum fact sheets for parents

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About the Author: Dan Blore
Dan Blore manages and teaches at Extended Learning Centres. He has spent 20 years in education, having studied secondary education at University of the Sunshine Coast. He has taught in Australia and Germany and studied at university in Italy. He most enjoys teaching and studying mathematics and languages, both of which he focused on at university.

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