Test results are not everything

Learning Ahead vs. Latest Test Results – the bigger picture


The best way of effecting long-term student success is to expose students to curriculum ahead of school. When working towards a student’s future, we always take into account the bigger picture and the long-term. This goes to the core of what we do. Over-emphasising test scores. Following the dominant school narrative, parents sometimes don’t realise that

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Girl believes tutoring can't help her catch up to her peers because she believes she is dumb

What is the point of assessment?


By Dan Blore, Educator Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the point of assessment?” Great teachers ask themselves that constantly. Jump to 5-minute video explanation of Formative and Summative assessments Jump to 2-minute video: Judging Good Assessment As an adult, when is the last time you took an exam? We expect school to prepare

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